Tag: Zangezur



  • Lachin Corridor Blockade
  • Continuing Armenian-Azerbaijani Negotiations
  • Turkish-Azerbaijani Military Exercises
  • Travel Impressions from the region

Episode 182 | Recorded: December 13, 2022

Arthur Khachikyan & Gev Iskajyan: The Nov 10 Statement, Two Years On [EP177]

Posted on Monday, Nov 14, 2022 | Category: Politics, Artsakh | Series: wir



  • November 10 “Ceasefire”
    • We’ll talk with our guests in Yerevan and Stepanakert about their perceptions of where we are in terms of ceasing fire, two years later.
  • The Peace is Dead, Long Live the Peace
    • We’ll talk about increased war rhetoric from Azerbaijan, threatening Armenia, Russia, Iran, and anyone else who comes to Armenia’s aid. With the pressure increasing and Aliyev’s two-month deadline approaching, we’ll investigate the possibility of renewed war.

Episode 177 | Recorded: November 14, 2022



  • Massive Stepanakert Rally
  • The Sullivan Plan
  • CSTO Security Council Convened
  • Trilateral Summit in Sochi
  • From Sochi to Tehran

Episode 173 | Recorded: November 1, 2022



  • Goals and Tactics of Azerbaijan’s Negotiations
  • How did “Corridors” Become a Thing?
  • Russia’s Contributions to the process
  • Options and Scenarios Going Forwards

Episode 168 | Recorded: Friday, October 14, 2022