Tag: Turkey


  • Economic Diversification
  • Systemic Corruption
  • Bank Secrecy Scrapped


Episode 319 | Recorded: March 16, 2024



  • Reactions to Interview with Canadian Ambassador
  • More Concessions Signaled by Pashinyan
  • EU Parliament Resolution on Armenia
  • Fish Rots from the Head

Episode 318 | Recorded: March 18, 2024



  • Georgian Nationalism and Identity
  • Georgia, Armenia, post 2018
  • Accession to the EU
  • Strategic Partnership

Episode 315 | Recorded: March 12, 2024



  • Iran Parliamentary Elections
  • Geopolitical U-turn in Armenia?
  • Iran Armenia Relations
  • Anti-Iranian Propaganda from NGOs

Episode 314 | Recorded: March 11, 2024



  • Armenia Stalled
    • Stalled with Enemies
    • Stalled with Allies
  • Economic Diversification
  • Fish Rots from the Head

Episode 313 | Recorded: Mar 11, 2024

The dialogue at the Antalya Diplomatic Forum illuminates a critical facet of EU’s geopolitical calculus: when they speak of “The West” in the context of the South Caucasus, they implicitly refer to Turkey. We dissect Armenia’s diplomatic challenges, laying bare the stark realities of power dynamics in the region. Against the backdrop of Turkey’s strategic significance, the debate underscores the profound implications of EU’s reliance on Ankara to assert its dominance and open communication channels in the region. We shed light on the urgent need for Armenia to navigate a complex geopolitical landscape where alliances and allegiances are constantly shifting.

In this clip from episode 312, Arthur Khachikyan discusses his recent interview with Jean-Christophe Buisson, deputy editor of Le Figaro, a highly influential French newspaper with close ties to Macron and other French leaders. Arthur, the interviewer, highlights the deputy editor’s strong support for the Armenian people but underscores France’s unwillingness to intervene militarily in conflicts involving Armenia due to domestic and geopolitical constraints.

On February 24, a group of Russian and Armenian experts met in Congress hotel in Yerevan to discuss the state of Armenia-Russia relations. The discussion was friendly but tough and frank. Our guest from episode #311 was one of the participants in that discussion.



  • Remembering Sumgait Pogroms
  • Russian-Armenian Experts Dialog
  • Exit from CSTO?
  • Armenian-Azerbaijani Negotiations
  • Edmon Marukyan Resigns

Episode 312 | Recorded: Mar 3, 2024