Tag: Syunik



  • Prospect of a Trump Presidency on the Caucasus
  • Update on political prisoners
  • PACE report
  • Referendum on joining EU
  • Bagrat Srbazan Tavush movement

Episode 346 | Recorded: July 18, 2024

In this clip from episode #312, we discuss a recent Russian-Armenian experts dialogue held in Yerevan, discussions delved into the state of relations between the two nations. Our guest Arthur Khachikyan was one of the participants.

The expert dialogue sparked significant reactions in Armenia, with some media channels expressing negativity towards the candid exchanges that took place. The Russian side was nota bly frank, warning of potential consequences for Armenia’s Western reorientation, referencing past events like Karabakh and suggesting future territorial concerns. The dialogue shed

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  • Aftermath of the Ethnic Cleansing of Artsakh
    • Shahramanyan meets Protesters
    • “Rights & Security”
    • Government-in-Exile
  • Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
    • Ripple Effects to the South Caucasus
    • Effects in the Middle East
    • Lebanon & the Armenian Community

Episode 288 | Recorded: October 22, 2023



  • Outstanding Causes of the Conflict
  • Why did Aliyev Bail out of Granada?
  • Could Azerbaijan Attack Armenia?
  • How Might Events Unfold?

Episode 283 | Recorded: October 5, 2023



  • Armenian Azerbaijani Negotiations
  • Azerbaijani Propaganda in Shushi
  • Situation in Artsakh

Episode 271 | Recorded: July 31, 2023



  • Pashinyan’s Press Conference
  • Negotiating with Belligerent Azerbaijan
  • Mirzoyan in Moscow
  • Mayoral Politics in Yerevan

Episode 240 | Recorded: March 20, 2023

Edgar Ghazaryan: Էդգար Ղազարյանը, Արցախում քաղաքական զարգացումների մասին | Ep 207 - Jan 17, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - Jan 17, 2023



Why should Ruben Vardanyan stay? Ինչու՞ պետք է Ռուբեն Վարդանյանը մնա

Episode 207 | Recorded: January 17, 2023



  • Lachin Corridor Blockade
  • Continuing Armenian-Azerbaijani Negotiations
  • Turkish-Azerbaijani Military Exercises
  • Travel Impressions from the region

Episode 182 | Recorded: December 13, 2022

Arthur Khachikyan & Gev Iskajyan: The Nov 10 Statement, Two Years On [EP177]

Posted on Monday, Nov 14, 2022 | Category: Politics, Artsakh | Series: wir



  • November 10 “Ceasefire”
    • We’ll talk with our guests in Yerevan and Stepanakert about their perceptions of where we are in terms of ceasing fire, two years later.
  • The Peace is Dead, Long Live the Peace
    • We’ll talk about increased war rhetoric from Azerbaijan, threatening Armenia, Russia, Iran, and anyone else who comes to Armenia’s aid. With the pressure increasing and Aliyev’s two-month deadline approaching, we’ll investigate the possibility of renewed war.

Episode 177 | Recorded: November 14, 2022