Tag: Nikol Pashinyan



  • What is HyeID, what problems is it trying to address?
  • Organizations and models for Diaspora representation
  • Funding and operations
  • Outreach to the Diaspora and the Armenian government
  • Current State of the project

Episode 176 | Recorded: November 12, 2022

Arthur Khachatryan: Resistance Movement and the ‘Sulivan Plan’ [EP174]

Posted on Thursday, Nov 3, 2022 | Category: Politics, Armenia | Series: COG



  • Massive Stepanakert Rally
  • Sullivan Plan vs. Russian Plan
  • Upcoming Protest on November 5

Episode 174 | Recorded: November 3, 2022



  • Massive Stepanakert Rally
  • The Sullivan Plan
  • CSTO Security Council Convened
  • Trilateral Summit in Sochi
  • From Sochi to Tehran

Episode 173 | Recorded: November 1, 2022



  • Goals and Tactics of Azerbaijan’s Negotiations
  • How did “Corridors” Become a Thing?
  • Russia’s Contributions to the process
  • Options and Scenarios Going Forwards

Episode 168 | Recorded: Friday, October 14, 2022

Legal & Human Rights Developments in Armenia A Conversation with Ruben Melikyan

Ruben Melikyan was formerly Artsakh’s Human Rights Ombudsman, and prior to that he was rector of the Justice Academy of Armenia. In 2019, Melikyan co-founded and currently leads the “Path of Law” NGO. Իրավական ուղի in Armenian.


  • Introduction
  • Decisions of the International Court of Justice
  • Turkish-Armenian “Normalization”
  • More Constitutional Changes
  • Civil Contract Appoints new HR Ombudsman for Armenia
  • Continuing Harassment of Opposition Leaders
  • Legislating Away Civil Liberties

Episode 117 | Recorded on Thursday, February 3, 2022

Armenia’s Diplomacy and Corridors Politics | Ep. 93 - Oct 19, 2021 [EP93]

Posted on Tuesday, Oct 19, 2021 | Category: Armenia, Artsakh, Azerbaijan | Series: COG

Armenia’s Diplomacy and Corridor Politics


  • In the past month a flurry of diplomatic activity has risen around Armenia. The top diplomats from neighboring countries, regional and global powers have met with Armenia’s top leadership to discuss the shifting geopolitics reshaping the South Caucasus politically and economically for the coming decades. How is Armenia’s diplomacy navigating the “Corridor Politics” and what are the prospects for a peaceful neighborhood?


Episode 93 | Recorded: October 18, 2021

Former Artsakh Ombudsman Ruben Melikyan (Ep #42) - 01/18/2021 [EP42]

Posted on Monday, Jan 18, 2021 | Series: cog

Former Artsakh Ombudsman Ruben Melikyan - 01/18/2021

We’ll be discussing various legal and human-rights topics within the context of recent developments in Armenia.


  • 𝐑𝐮𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐚𝐧 was formerly Artsakh’s Human Rights Ombudsman and prior to that rector of the Justice Academy of Armenia. In 2019, Melikyan co-founded and currently leads the “Path of Law” NGO.


  • Why are there Armenian POWs still in Azerbaijan so long after the Nov. 9 ceasefire agreement?
  • On Constitutional Court judges being forced to resign
  • On Parliament’s endorsement of Gagik Jahangiryan’s appointment to the
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