Tag: Nikol Pashinyan



  • Latest on Armenian Azerbaijani Negotiations
  • Economic State in Armenia
  • September Yerevan Mayoral Elections
  • Estimating the War Dead
  • Hayaqve [.am]

Episode 269 | Recorded: July 17, 2023



  • Armenia Azerbaijan Negotiations
  • US, Armenian NSC Advisors Meet
  • New MPG Poll
  • Haya-Qve [.am]

Episode 268 | Recorded: July 10, 2023

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 267, July 7, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - July 7, 2023



  • Catastrophic Situation in Artsakh - Gegham Stepanyan
  • Zakharova Confirms Conditions, Calls on Azerbaijan to Drop Blockade
  • Hakari video fiasco - Pashinyan propaganda?
  • Azeri preconditions to Baku-Stepanakert talks
  • ANCA supported NDAA resolutions in US Congress

Episode 267 | Recorded: July 7, 2023

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 263, June 15, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - June 15, 2023



  • Azerbaijan Blocks Lachin/Berdzor Corridor after Shootings near Hakari bridge
  • Has Artsakh “returned to the negotiation table”?
  • International actions viewed from Stepanakert
  • Noting the half-year mark of the blockade
  • Artsakh Ombuds Report summary

Episode 263 | Recorded: June 15, 2023



  • Erdogan Reshuffles Cabinet, First Visit to Baku
  • Latest Developments in Armenia-Azerbaijan Negotiations, Baku Postpones
  • Economic Developments, More Subsidies to IT Sector
  • MPG Poll: Pashinyan’s Rating is Falling

Episode 252 | Recorded: June 12, 2023



  • Armenian Azerbaijani Negotiations Continue
    • You say Chisinau, I say Kishinev
    • Deputy PMs Meet in Moscow
  • Israeli President Visits Azerbaijan
  • Pashinyan Attends Erdogan’s Inauguration
  • Armenia-Russia Relations

Episode 260 | Recorded: June 5, 2023

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 259, June 2, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - June 2, 2023



  • Current Living and Humanitarian Conditions
  • Morale after Pashinyan’s Recognition of Artsakh in Azerbaijan
  • How is Artsakh Responding to Aliyev’s Amnesty Threats?
  • Moral of the Artsakhtsi Population
  • About Artsakh Men Being Denied Transit through Azeri Checkpoints
  • Have the Russian Peacekeepers Changed Under Lentsov?
  • All Parties are in Breach of the November 2020 Trilateral Ceasefire Agreement

Episode 259 | Recorded: June 2, 2023



  • Armenia celebrates May 28
    • A new political movement, Mother Armenia, was announced.
  • Aliyev Threatens, Pashinyan Concedes
  • Erdogan Reelected President in Turkey
  • Goodbye CSTO, Hello NATO?

Episode 257 | Recorded: May 30, 2023



  • Accelerated Negotiations
    • Negotiations Carousel
    • Meghri Railway
    • Russia Finances Rasht-Astara
    • Rallies in Artsakh and Kornidzor
  • Artsakh Domestic Politics

Episode 256 | Recorded: May 22, 2023