Tag: Kristine Grigoryan



  • Prospect of Trump Presidency on the Caucasus
  • Mirzoyan at NATO Summit in DC
  • Parade of US Officials in Armenia
  • MPG Poll

Episode 345 | Recorded: July 16, 2024

Legal & Human Rights Developments in Armenia A Conversation with Ruben Melikyan

Ruben Melikyan was formerly Artsakh’s Human Rights Ombudsman, and prior to that he was rector of the Justice Academy of Armenia. In 2019, Melikyan co-founded and currently leads the “Path of Law” NGO. Իրավական ուղի in Armenian.


  • Introduction
  • Decisions of the International Court of Justice
  • Turkish-Armenian “Normalization”
  • More Constitutional Changes
  • Civil Contract Appoints new HR Ombudsman for Armenia
  • Continuing Harassment of Opposition Leaders
  • Legislating Away Civil Liberties

Episode 117 | Recorded on Thursday, February 3, 2022