Tag: Ilham Aliyev

Gev Iskajyan: Artsakh Under Blockade: Day 3 [EP183]

Posted on Wednesday, Dec 14, 2022 | Category: Artsakh, Politics | Series: cog


For three days now the campaign instigated by the government of Azerbaijan has prevented the freedom of movement of Armenians of Artsakh. Gas supplies have also been cut off.

“Artsakh is still Armenian land. Artsakh is still an independent republic. Artsakh is not gone. … We have to hold on to what remains of this land here.” - Gev Iskajyan

Episode 183 | Recorded: December 14, 2022

Armenia-Azerbaijan Negotiations | Artsakh Reshuffle | Opposition [EP181]

Posted on Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022 | Category: Politics, Armenia | Series: wir



  • Armenia-Azerbaijan Negotiations Continue
    • CSTO Debacle
    • Lavrov Bombshell
    • Lachin Corridor Blockaded
    • Brussels Summit Canceled
  • Artsakh President Lays off Government
  • Parliamentary Opposition Fragmenting

Episode 181 | Recorded: December 6, 2022

Armenia's Rocky Relationship with the CSTO | Ep. 180 - Dec 5, 2022 [EP180]

Posted on Monday, Dec 5, 2022 | Category: Armenia, Politics | Series: cog



  • What’s Armenia’s Goal in pushing the CSTO in a direction that it won’t go?
  • What Came Out of the CSTO Summit in Yerevan?
  • What is the Level of Trust between the CSTO and Armenia?
  • How should Armenian proceed in Relations with the CSTO?
  • Does Armenia have Alternatives?

Episode 180 | Recorded: December 5, 2022



  • How is Armenia’s Economy Doing?
  • Armenia-Azerbaijan Negotiations
  • French Senate Slams Azerbaijani Occupation of Armenia
  • The Opposition Returns to Parliament

Episode 179 | Recorded: November 21, 2022

November 10, Perspective From Artsakh Two Years Later [EP178]

Posted on Monday, Nov 14, 2022 | Category: Society, Artsakh | Series: cog



  • November 10 as perceived by Artsakhtsis
  • Update on the status of refugees
  • Update on the economy of Artsakh
  • Rally at the Renaissance Square
  • Generating and communicating support for Artsakh

Episode 178 | Recorded: November 14, 2022

Arthur Khachikyan & Gev Iskajyan: The Nov 10 Statement, Two Years On [EP177]

Posted on Monday, Nov 14, 2022 | Category: Politics, Artsakh | Series: wir



  • November 10 “Ceasefire”
    • We’ll talk with our guests in Yerevan and Stepanakert about their perceptions of where we are in terms of ceasing fire, two years later.
  • The Peace is Dead, Long Live the Peace
    • We’ll talk about increased war rhetoric from Azerbaijan, threatening Armenia, Russia, Iran, and anyone else who comes to Armenia’s aid. With the pressure increasing and Aliyev’s two-month deadline approaching, we’ll investigate the possibility of renewed war.

Episode 177 | Recorded: November 14, 2022

Arthur Khachatryan: Resistance Movement and the ‘Sulivan Plan’ [EP174]

Posted on Thursday, Nov 3, 2022 | Category: Politics, Armenia | Series: COG



  • Massive Stepanakert Rally
  • Sullivan Plan vs. Russian Plan
  • Upcoming Protest on November 5

Episode 174 | Recorded: November 3, 2022



  • Massive Stepanakert Rally
  • The Sullivan Plan
  • CSTO Security Council Convened
  • Trilateral Summit in Sochi
  • From Sochi to Tehran

Episode 173 | Recorded: November 1, 2022



  • Census in progress in Armenia
  • Meetings in Astana
  • Developments in Iran
  • Armenian websites compromised
  • Remembering the TsOR artillery unit

Episode 169 | Recorded: October 17, 2022