Tag: Electricity Blackout

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 239, Mar 19, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - March 19, 2023



  • The Current Living Conditions
    • Gas, Power, Food, Weather
  • Daily Ceasefire Violations
    • Shooting at Civilians
    • Heightened Threat of War
  • Process of Constitutional Amendment
    • Is Arayik Harutyunyan Planning to Resign?
    • Will the Amendment Go Through?
  • Negotiations with Azerbaijan
    • Invitation to Negtiate “Integration” in Baku
    • Artsakh Demands that Armenia Respect its own Laws
    • Artsakh Demands an International Platform for Negotiations

Episode 239 | Recorded: March 19, 2023

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 236, Mar 12, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - March 12, 2023



  • Gas cutoff again.
  • Aftermath of Azerbaijan Killing 3 Artsakh Policemen
  • Potential for New Aggression
  • No “Peace” without “Rights and Security for Artsakh”?

Episode 236 | Recorded: March 12, 2023

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 233, Mar 2, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - Mar 2, 2023



  • Day to day Conditions
  • Meeting of Artsakh and Azerbaijani Reps
  • What is Artsakh Discussing at the Meeting
  • What Concessions are being Discussed?
  • New State Minister Gurgen Nersesyan
  • More Azeri Shootings in Martakert and Askeran

Episode 233 | Recorded: March 2, 2023

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 231, Feb 24, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - Feb 24, 2023



  • Rouben Vardanyan sacked in Stepanakert
  • Samuel Babayan in Artsakh
  • Azeri and Artsakh reps meet to resume Gas & Electricity
    • Further Azeri demands, Artsakh red lines
  • Medical topics

Episode 231 | Recorded: February 24, 2023

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 225, Feb 17, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - Feb 17, 2023



  • Latest Gas & Electricity up downs
  • On the Food Stamp program
  • Why are schools reopening?
  • Deprivation from education
  • Gev loses power
  • The pain of the blockade is real

Episode 225 | Recorded: February 17, 2023

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 223, Feb 9, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - Feb 9, 2023



  • Snowy and cold weather sets in
  • Azerbaijan Switches off Gas again
  • Shifting Electricity Blackout Strategy
  • 25 Tons of Russian Aid Reach Stepanakert
  • Negotiations and Negotiators Continue
    • Redlines for Artsakh
  • Arayik Harutyunyan talks with Gagik Tsarukyan
  • Do not Take this Blockade Lightly!
  • Treasonous Mindsets in Armenian Government
    • Who Will They Fight For?

Episode 223 | Recorded: February 9, 2023