Tag: Edgar Elbakyan



  • 109th Commemorations of the Armenian Genocide
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Episode 326 | Recorded: April 24, 2024

Edgar Elbakyan: Artsakh Under Blockade: Day 13 [EP192]

Posted on Saturday, Dec 24, 2022 | Category: Artsakh, Politics, 168am | Series: cog, video


  • Edgar Elbakyan, a political scientist and social thinker based in Yerevan, Armenia. He is a co-founder of the Armenian Project non-profit organization, which contributes to enhancing Armenian national civil society.

“The problem is not resources or power, the problem is how you put forward your goals”


The blockade of Artsakh is now 13 days old. More than 120,000 people remain trapped in the Republic of Artsakh (or Nagorno-Karabakh). Supermarket shelves are empty. Essential medicine is running out.

On Friday, December 23, that’s yesterday, a meeting between Bairamov

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