Tag: Borders



  • Accelerated Negotiations
    • Negotiations Carousel
    • Meghri Railway
    • Russia Finances Rasht-Astara
    • Rallies in Artsakh and Kornidzor
  • Artsakh Domestic Politics

Episode 256 | Recorded: May 22, 2023



  • Armenia-Azerbaijan Negotiations Continue
  • Latest IRI Armenia Poll Results
  • Armenian Census 2022 - Preliminary Results

Episode 252 | Recorded: May 9, 2023



  • Azerbaijan Officially Blocks Berdzor/Lachin Corridor
  • Update on Armenian-Azeri Negotiations
  • Drug Use Epidemic in Armenia

Episode 251 | Recorded: May 1, 2023

Armenian Genocide Anniversary | Artsakh In Stranglehold | Israel-Azerbaijan [EP249]

Posted on Tuesday, Apr 25, 2023 | Category: Armenia, Politics | Series: wir



  • Armenian Genocide: 108 Anniversary
  • Azerbaijan Strangles Artsakh
    • Artsakh Strangled
    • International Community
    • Pashinyan’s Parliament Speech
    • Madrid Principles
    • Aliyev Continues Threats, Ultimatum to Artsakh Armenians
    • What Can Diaspora Do?
  • Israel - Azerbaijan cooperation against Iran?
  • Rants

Episode 249 | Recorded: April 25, 2023



  • Azerbaijan Invades, Pashinyan “Explains”
  • Armenia at the Democracy Summit
  • Armenia and the Rome Statute
  • Iran FM in Moscow, Azeri FM in Israel

Episode 242 | Recorded: April 3, 2023

Armenia Azerbaijan Negotiations | Georgia Opposition | MPG Poll | Ep 237 [EP237]

Posted on Monday, Mar 13, 2023 | Category: Armenia, Artsakh, Politics, Poll | Series: wir



  • Armenia-Azerbaijan Negotiations Continue
    • Developments in Artsakh
    • No “Peace” without “Rights and Security”?
    • Armenia Downgrades CSTO Relations
  • Georgian Law on Foreign Agents
  • Reflections on MPG Poll “AmotiSar” Results

Episode 237 | Recorded: March 12, 2023



  • Earthquake in Turkey and Syria
  • Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict
    • FM Lavrov’s Interview to Russian Media
    • EU vs CSTO Missions
    • Shifting Public Perceptions
  • Political Shuffles in Yerevan

Episode 224 | Recorded: February 12, 2023

Arthur Khachikyan & Gev Iskajyan: The Nov 10 Statement, Two Years On [EP177]

Posted on Monday, Nov 14, 2022 | Category: Politics, Artsakh | Series: wir



  • November 10 “Ceasefire”
    • We’ll talk with our guests in Yerevan and Stepanakert about their perceptions of where we are in terms of ceasing fire, two years later.
  • The Peace is Dead, Long Live the Peace
    • We’ll talk about increased war rhetoric from Azerbaijan, threatening Armenia, Russia, Iran, and anyone else who comes to Armenia’s aid. With the pressure increasing and Aliyev’s two-month deadline approaching, we’ll investigate the possibility of renewed war.

Episode 177 | Recorded: November 14, 2022



  • Latest “Peace” Developments
    • Border Delimitation Discussions in Brussels
    • Meeting of the Foreign Ministers in DC
  • Bellicose Statements Between Azerbaijan and Iran
  • Ruben Vardanyan Takes Over as State Minister of Artsakh

Episode 175 | Recorded: November 8, 2022