Tag: Arthur Papyan



  • Armenia’s Draft Law on Mass Surveillance
  • USAID-funded Deal with AWS
  • Government Track Record of Cybersecurity Failures

Episode 344 | Recorded: July 11, 2024

Artur Papyan: Cyber Laws and Threats in Armenia [EP229]

Posted on Friday, Feb 24, 2023 | Category: Armenia, Technology, Media | Series: cog, video

In this Conversations on Groong episode, we’ll be talking about the Internet censorship bill proposed in Armenia before the new year. We’ll also talk about the threat and activity of some Cyber spying malware in Armenia, such as the Israeli Pegasus software, which represents a threat to journalists and freedom of expression.


  • Censoring the Internet
  • Cyberthreats and Cyberspying in Armenia

Guest: Artur Papyan, malware researcher, digital security consultant, co-founder of CyberHub and director of the Media DIversity Institute.

Episode 229 | Recorded: February 24, 2023