Tag: Armenian News

Arthur Khachikyan: Artsakh Under Blockade: Day 6 [EP185]

Posted on Saturday, Dec 17, 2022 | Category: Artsakh, Politics, 168am | Series: cog, video


  • Arthur Khachikyan, PhD is an International Relations expert from Stanford University, specializing in Intervention. He currently teaches at the Russian Armenian University in Yerevan.


We’re going on to Day 6 of the Artsakh Blockade by Azerbaijan, and Groong and 168 Hours are teaming up to bring you more English-language coverage on the developments of this very serious issue, a major humanitarian crisis in Artsakh in progress.

“We somehow have this complex. We think we’re the sleeping beauty and the west is going to come and save us. And every time that it doesn’t happen,

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Vardan Aramyan - Armenian Budget and Economy For 2022 | Ep 102 - Nov 21, 2021 [EP102]

Posted on Sunday, Nov 21, 2021 | Category: Armenia, Economy | Series: cog



  • 2022 Budget and Economic Growth @1:24
    • Did Armenian economy recover already? @3:55
    • Does the structure of growth mirror worldwide growth @8:55
    • What happens if growth doesn’t meet target @14:25
    • Why did the IMF underestimate Armenian growth initially @17:38
  • Growth Sectors in Budget @23:41
    • Are prices for Copper/Aluminum extremely inflated? @25:50
  • Inflation @32:48
    • Effect on wages, income inequality, poverty & other socioeconomic markers? @41:36
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