Tag: armenian genocide



  • Background on the Lemkin Institute
  • Genocide in Artsakh
  • Armenian Government’s Genocide Denial
  • Gaza and other Genocides

Episode 341 | Recorded: June 25, 2024



  • Establishment of Canadian Embassy in Armenia
  • EU Monitoring Mission in Armenia (EUMA)
  • Political Prisoners
  • Canadian Military Supplies to Turkey

Episode 316 | Recorded: March 15, 2024

Dziunik Aghajanian - on Armenian Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, the Pashinyan Agenda, and Mother Armenia



  • Intro to Ms Aghajanian
    • Career path, Mentors, Influencers
    • Parting ways with the MFA
  • How did Armenia Resist Turkish Pressure prior to 2018
  • Impressions of 2018 events
  • On Pashinyan’s Policies to Surrender Artsakh
    • Letter Planning the Surrender
    • Messaging Aliyev to begin Instigations
    • Changing Security Doctrine
  • The Myth of Western Security Guarantees
  • Pashinyan’s Fiction re Alma Ata and Madrid Principles
  • On Armenia’s National Interests
  • On Armenian Foreign
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  • Azerbaijan Officially Blocks Berdzor/Lachin Corridor
  • Update on Armenian-Azeri Negotiations
  • Drug Use Epidemic in Armenia

Episode 251 | Recorded: May 1, 2023

Armenian Genocide Anniversary | Artsakh In Stranglehold | Israel-Azerbaijan [EP249]

Posted on Tuesday, Apr 25, 2023 | Category: Armenia, Politics | Series: wir



  • Armenian Genocide: 108 Anniversary
  • Azerbaijan Strangles Artsakh
    • Artsakh Strangled
    • International Community
    • Pashinyan’s Parliament Speech
    • Madrid Principles
    • Aliyev Continues Threats, Ultimatum to Artsakh Armenians
    • What Can Diaspora Do?
  • Israel - Azerbaijan cooperation against Iran?
  • Rants

Episode 249 | Recorded: April 25, 2023

Aram Orbelyan: Artsakh Under Blockade: Day 11 [EP190]

Posted on Friday, Dec 23, 2022 | Category: Artsakh, Politics, 168am | Series: cog, video

“Current Armenian government blames everyone, but themselves, Azerbaijan and Turkey.” -Aram Orbelyan


  • Aram Orbelyan, an international law specialist, who is an attorney and managing partner at Concern Dialog law firm, and PhD in Public international law. Mr. Orbelyan lectures at the Academy of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia, and lectured public international law at French University of Armenia. Mr. Orbelyan was Deputy Minister of Justice of Armenia between 2011 and 2014.


This is Day 11 of the complete blockade of Artsakh by Azerbaijan. More than 120 thousand

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