Tag: Aliyev

In this clip from episode #312, we discuss a recent Russian-Armenian experts dialogue held in Yerevan, discussions delved into the state of relations between the two nations. Our guest Arthur Khachikyan was one of the participants.

The expert dialogue sparked significant reactions in Armenia, with some media channels expressing negativity towards the candid exchanges that took place. The Russian side was nota bly frank, warning of potential consequences for Armenia’s Western reorientation, referencing past events like Karabakh and suggesting future territorial concerns. The dialogue shed

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  • Crossroads of Peace
  • 3+3=5 in Tehran
  • Relations with Russia
  • Defense Deal with France
  • Artsakh Status

Episode 291 | Recorded: October 31, 2023

Armenian Genocide Anniversary | Artsakh In Stranglehold | Israel-Azerbaijan [EP249]

Posted on Tuesday, Apr 25, 2023 | Category: Armenia, Politics | Series: wir



  • Armenian Genocide: 108 Anniversary
  • Azerbaijan Strangles Artsakh
    • Artsakh Strangled
    • International Community
    • Pashinyan’s Parliament Speech
    • Madrid Principles
    • Aliyev Continues Threats, Ultimatum to Artsakh Armenians
    • What Can Diaspora Do?
  • Israel - Azerbaijan cooperation against Iran?
  • Rants

Episode 249 | Recorded: April 25, 2023