Series: COG

Calls for a Commission to Analyze the Defeat in the 2020 Artsakh War

A Conversation with Dr. Simon Saradzhyan, Arthur G. Martirosyan, and Tevan Poghosyan

The disastrous outcome of the 2020 War in Artsakh has left Armenians in Armenia and around the world with many unanswered questions. Many long-time held beliefs about the capability of Armenia to defend Artsakh, and Armenia itself, were shattered on November 9, with the signing of the trilateral ceasefire statement.

A group of more than 10 academics and researchers recently published a lengthy set of questions that are proposed as a basis for

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Armenian Foreign policy Between War and Peace | Ep #80 - July 22, 2021 [EP80]

Posted on Thursday, Jul 22, 2021 | Series: COG

Armenian Foreign policy Between War and Peace A Conversation with Dr. Pietro Shakarian and Yeghia Tashjian


  • Sparring Partners: Moscow and Ankara
  • Yerevan’s Diplomatic Dilemmas
  • Aliyev’s Appetite and Ambitions


  • Dr. Pietro Shakarian
  • Yeghia Tashjian


  • Hovik Manucharyan
  • Asbed Bedrossian

Episode 80 | Recorded: July 21, 2021 Website:

Preserving Armenian Heritage


  • What is Armenian Art and Architecture?
  • Where does Artsakh’s Heritage fit in the larger Armenian picture?
  • What Armenian Heritage fell under Azerbaijani Control in 2020?
  • What is Caucasus Heritage Watch and What does it do?
  • What can International Organizations do for Artsakh?
  • How do International Instruments fail in Preserving Armenian Heritage?


  • Simon Maghakyan is an independent researcher of cultural destruction and lecturer in International Relations at the University of Colorado Denver.


  • Dr. Lori Khatchadourian is Associate Professor of
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How to Explain The MPG Polling Discrepancy With Election Results? A Conversation (in Armenian) with Aram Navasardyan

Guest: Aram Navasardyan is Director of MPG, a member of Gallup International Association and one of the main pollsters in the pre-election campaign for June 2021 parliamentary elections.

– Ինչպե՞ս բացատրել MPG- ի հարցումների անհամապատասխանությունը ընտրությունների արդյունքների հետ Զրույց Արամ Նավասարդյանի հետ

Հյուր: Արամ Նավասարդյանը MPG- ի տնօրենն է որը հանդիսանում է Gallup International Association- ի անդամ և հիմնական հետազոտական կազմակերպություններից մեկն եր 2021

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Analyzing Party Platforms in June 20 Parliamentary Elections

A Conversation with Robert Markarian


Robert Markarian was born in Iran and has university education in physics and law. For 25 years, he has worked as a host, editor, and analyst on Armenian Radio Hour in Iran’s public radio and television. He has cooperated articles covering Armenia and Artsakh in Armenian, Persian, and English published by Iranian and Armenian sites and analytical centers.


  • Security/Defense
  • Economy and Social
  • Artsakh
  • Diaspora Relations

Conversation in English and Armenian


  • Hovik Manucharyan
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Aleksandr Khachaturyan on the 2021 Armenian Elections


Aleksandr Khachaturyan who is a Managing Partner at TK & Partners, in Yerevan. In 2016 he served as an advisor to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Karen Karapetyan, and was CEO of the Center for Strategic Initiatives, advising the government on key economic and public administration reforms and strategies. He serves as a board member at ID Bank and various non-profits, and lectures on corporate finance law at the French University of Armenia (FUA). He holds law degrees from Boston University, FUA, and Jean Moulin

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Hayastan Dashinq (Armenia Alliance), Elections and Postwar Outlook


Aspram Krpeyan, is a member of the Hayastan Dashinq led by former president Robert Kocharyan in the upcoming elections in Armenia, and a member of its list of parliamentary party representatives. She holds an MSt in Diplomatic Studies from the University of Oxford and an LLM from the Geneva Academy of the International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. Her research interests lie in international law with a focus on the interplay between international humanitarian law and human rights, use of force, including the conduct

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  • This Conversations on Groong episode is our first Live Show on Clubhouse and hopefully it will be an informative, as well as an enjoyable discussion for all. We will be talking about the politics of opening the paths of communication, lifting blockades, and the rumors, facts, and fallacies around so-called “corridors” through each other’s countries.

Episode 83 | Recorded: June 14, 2021

ARF-Dashnaktsutyun: Roadmap and Challenges


  • Giro Manoyan has been a member of the ARF-D Bureau since 2015. Originally from Beirut, Lebanon, he moved to Montreal, Canada in 1976. He has served as the Executive Secretary of the Armenian National Committee of Canada, as well as the Editor in Chief of the Horizon Armenian Weekly. In 1999 he moved to Yerevan and has served as the Executive Director of the Bureau of the ARF-D, in charge of the Armenian Cause, Hai Tahd Central Committee.


  • The ARF in the Politics of Armenia
  • On the War in 2020
  • On the Upcoming Elections in 2021
  • On the
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