Armenian News Network/Groong, an Armenian podcast providing objective coverage on Armenia, Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) and the Armenian diaspora. Find us and follow us everywhere on social media. Here are our links:

Asbed Bedrossian

Asbed Bedrossian

Hovik Manucharyan

Hovik Manucharyan

Latest Episode



  • Role of the Opposition
  • Relations with the Tavush Movement
  • Relations with the Diaspora

Episode 364 | Recorded: September 13, 2024 Read More

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 227, Feb 21, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - Feb 21, 2023



  • The Politics around Ruben Vardanyan

Episode 227 | Recorded: February 21, 2023



  • 35th Anniversary of the Karabakh Movement
  • Russia Warns the EU and Armenia
  • Armenian Azerbaijani Negotiations Continue
  • Personal topics

Episode 226 | Recorded: February 19, 2023

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 225, Feb 17, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - Feb 17, 2023



  • Latest Gas & Electricity up downs
  • On the Food Stamp program
  • Why are schools reopening?
  • Deprivation from education
  • Gev loses power
  • The pain of the blockade is real

Episode 225 | Recorded: February 17, 2023



  • Earthquake in Turkey and Syria
  • Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict
    • FM Lavrov’s Interview to Russian Media
    • EU vs CSTO Missions
    • Shifting Public Perceptions
  • Political Shuffles in Yerevan

Episode 224 | Recorded: February 12, 2023

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 223, Feb 9, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - Feb 9, 2023



  • Snowy and cold weather sets in
  • Azerbaijan Switches off Gas again
  • Shifting Electricity Blackout Strategy
  • 25 Tons of Russian Aid Reach Stepanakert
  • Negotiations and Negotiators Continue
    • Redlines for Artsakh
  • Arayik Harutyunyan talks with Gagik Tsarukyan
  • Do not Take this Blockade Lightly!
  • Treasonous Mindsets in Armenian Government
    • Who Will They Fight For?

Episode 223 | Recorded: February 9, 2023

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 222, Feb 7, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - Feb 7, 2023



  • Update for February 7
    • Unreliable Gas Supply
  • Adam Schiff invites Robert Avetisyan to the State of the Union
  • Artsakh on the mind if the US Legislative Branch

Episode 222 | Recorded: February 7, 2023

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 221, Feb 4, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - Feb 4, 2023



  • Update for February 4
    • Blackouts at 6 hours per day
    • Gas mostly ok for 5-6 days
    • Food Stamp & Rationing System working OK
  • Azerbaijan Curating Profile of Azeri Activists
    • More professional, curated, Organized
    • Hand-picked journalists
    • Protests as a Show

Episode 221 | Recorded: February 4, 2023

Artsakh Blockade Flash Update with Gev Iskajyan - Ep 220, Jan 31, 2023

Armenian News Network Groong - Jan 31, 2023



  • Why less than daily updates
  • January 31 Update
    • Over 183 births since the blockade
    • Gas has been on for 2 days now
  • Some Service sector workers working again

Episode 220 | Recorded: January 31, 2023



  • Army Day - January 28
    • Events at Yerablur
  • New EU Monitoring Mission
    • Armenia’s Diplomacy
    • Russia’s Increasing Displeasure
    • Iran’s Tempered Displeasure
  • Artsakh Blockade

Episode 219 | Recorded: January 29, 2023