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Mr. Vardan Aramyan is a former Minister of Finance of the Republic of Armenia, serving from 2016-2018. He is currently Senior VP of Finance and Economy at Vallex Group in Yerevan.
Mr. Vartan Oskanian was the minister of foreign affairs of the Republic of Armenia from 1998 to 2008.
Prof. Varuzhan Geghamyan is assistant professor at Yerevan State University’s Department of Oriental Studies, teaching courses on Turkey’s modern history, History of Azerbaijan; Sociocultural anthropology of Azerbaijan; Political ideologies and parties in Modern Turkey & History of the Turkish Republic.
Entrepreneur and lawyer Virginia Davies is the New York-based founding president of Save Armenian Monuments.
William Bairamian is the founder and editor of The Armenite. He has written extensively on Armenian politics, culture, and society. He received degrees in international affairs from Columbia University and UCLA.
Yeghia Tashjian is an regional analyst and researcher based in Beirut, with expertise in China’s geopolitical and energy security interests in Iran and the Persian Gulf. Currently he is an instructor in International Affairs at the American University of Science and Technology and International and Regional Affairs Cluster Coordinator at the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut.
Yeghishe Zakunts is a political activist in Armenia. He fights for the rights of the parents and relatives of Armenian fallen soldiers.