Category: Russia



  • Iran President and FM Killed in Helicopter Crash
  • Bagrat Srbazan Leads Mass Protests in Armenia
  • Armenian Russian Relations

Episode 333 | Recorded: May 27, 2024

In this clip from episode #312, we discuss a recent Russian-Armenian experts dialogue held in Yerevan, discussions delved into the state of relations between the two nations. Our guest Arthur Khachikyan was one of the participants.

The expert dialogue sparked significant reactions in Armenia, with some media channels expressing negativity towards the candid exchanges that took place. The Russian side was nota bly frank, warning of potential consequences for Armenia’s Western reorientation, referencing past events like Karabakh and suggesting future territorial concerns. The dialogue shed

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  • French Connection
  • Russian-Armenian Dialog
  • Negotiations and Risk of War

Episode 311 | Recorded: February 27, 2024



  • An Armenian in St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Russian Perceptions and Outlook on the War in Ukraine
  • Perceptions of Armenia and Artsakh in Russia
  • World Events that might Affect Outcome of the War in Ukraine
  • Where do Armenia and Artsakh Figure in a New World Order?

Episode 303 | Recorded: January 22, 2024



  • “No Peace” Treaty Negotiations
    • Turkish-Azeri goal: Demilitarized Armenia (aka Batumi Treaty 2.0)
    • Humiliating Swap of Azeri Criminals for Armenian Hostages
  • Aliyev Calls for Snap Elections
  • Russia-Armenian Relations
  • Russia-Ukraine War

Episode 297 | Recorded: December 10, 2023

Anna Abrahamian: The Wagner Group Insurrection in Russia, June 2023 [EP265]

Posted on Sunday, Jul 2, 2023 | Category: Russia | Series: cog, video



  • The Wagner Group
  • Special Ops in Russia
  • Over at The Ministry of Defense
  • A White Russian
  • On The Western Front
  • Are We Done Yet?
  • Parallels with 2016 in Armenia?
  • PMCs in Armenia?

Episode 265 | Recorded: June 30, 2023