Category: Diaspora



  • Update on the current situation of the Armenian Quarters in Jerusalem
  • State of the Community’s Case against Xana Gardens Inc.
  • Armenia Recognizes the State of Palestine
  • Effects of Armenian-Israeli Relations on the Armenian Community

Episode 338 | Recorded on Wednesday, June 23, 2024

Setrag Balian & Hagop Djernazian - Jerusalem Patriarchate and Armenian Quarters under Threat by Israeli Investors and Armed Settlers



  • Violent Events following Patriarch’s Letter of Cancellation of Lease Agreement on November 1
  • Further Issues on November 9
  • Are the Lease Agreement and its Cancellation Legal?
  • What do Israeli Settlers have to do with the Lease Deal?
  • What Next?

Episode 292 | Recorded on Wednesday, November 9 2023

Hagop Djernazian - Jerusalem Armenian Patriarchate Land Lease Angers Worldwide Community



  • Intro to Armenians in Jerusalem
  • Escalating violence on Armenians
  • Intro to the Armenian Patriarchate
  • On the contract of the 99-year lease and its consequences
  • About the community protest movement
  • What if the contract goes forward?

Episode 261 | Recorded on Wednesday, June 11 2023



  • What is HyeID, what problems is it trying to address?
  • Organizations and models for Diaspora representation
  • Funding and operations
  • Outreach to the Diaspora and the Armenian government
  • Current State of the project

Episode 176 | Recorded: November 12, 2022

Harut Sassounian: The Global Armenian Summit [EP172]

Posted on Sunday, Oct 30, 2022 | Category: Diaspora, Politics, Artsakh | Series: COG



  • What is the background of Armenia-Diaspora relations against which this conference is taking place?
  • Why did the government need this event right now, and is this the right time?
  • Who was invited, who was not? Why?

Episode 172 | Recorded: October 29, 2022



  • Monitors in Armenia
  • Russia-West Rivalry in the South Caucasus
  • Armenian-Iranian Relations
  • Maritime Agreement between Israel and Lebanon
  • State of Lebanon’s Presidential Election

Ardy Kassakhian and Adrin Nazarian: The LA City Council Scandal [EP170]

Posted on Friday, Oct 21, 2022 | Category: US Politics, Diaspora, Artsakh | Series: cog



  • On the LA City Council scandal and how to move forward
  • On Paul Krekorian, elected LA City Council president
  • On redistricting in the aftermath of the scandal
  • On the effect of the scandal on the LA mayoral race
  • On Armenia’s Situation in the South Caucasus
  • On Armenia’s Negotiations with Azerbaijan
  • On Turkish-Armenian “Normalization”

Episode 170 | Recorded: October 19 & 20, 2022

Armenian Songs for Children Bedros Afeyan talks with Isabel Bayrakdarian


  • Journey Back to Armenian Music
  • Musical Harmony Between Armenian Music and Classical Canon
  • Researching, Teaching and Choosing Songs
  • Isabel’s Favorites and Influences



Song Excerpts list & timestamps: (Note: All excerpts used with permission)

  • 00:00 Komitas - Sleep My Child - Lullaby
  • 01:35 Komitas - Six Children’s Songs
  • 27:03 Ganachian - The Swallow / Tsitsernak
  • 29:06 Komitas - Little Wooden Horse
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