Category: Artsakh

November 10, Perspective From Artsakh Two Years Later [EP178]

Posted on Monday, Nov 14, 2022 | Category: Society, Artsakh | Series: cog



  • November 10 as perceived by Artsakhtsis
  • Update on the status of refugees
  • Update on the economy of Artsakh
  • Rally at the Renaissance Square
  • Generating and communicating support for Artsakh

Episode 178 | Recorded: November 14, 2022

Arthur Khachikyan & Gev Iskajyan: The Nov 10 Statement, Two Years On [EP177]

Posted on Monday, Nov 14, 2022 | Category: Politics, Artsakh | Series: wir



  • November 10 “Ceasefire”
    • We’ll talk with our guests in Yerevan and Stepanakert about their perceptions of where we are in terms of ceasing fire, two years later.
  • The Peace is Dead, Long Live the Peace
    • We’ll talk about increased war rhetoric from Azerbaijan, threatening Armenia, Russia, Iran, and anyone else who comes to Armenia’s aid. With the pressure increasing and Aliyev’s two-month deadline approaching, we’ll investigate the possibility of renewed war.

Episode 177 | Recorded: November 14, 2022



  • Latest “Peace” Developments
    • Border Delimitation Discussions in Brussels
    • Meeting of the Foreign Ministers in DC
  • Bellicose Statements Between Azerbaijan and Iran
  • Ruben Vardanyan Takes Over as State Minister of Artsakh

Episode 175 | Recorded: November 8, 2022



  • Massive Stepanakert Rally
  • The Sullivan Plan
  • CSTO Security Council Convened
  • Trilateral Summit in Sochi
  • From Sochi to Tehran

Episode 173 | Recorded: November 1, 2022

Harut Sassounian: The Global Armenian Summit [EP172]

Posted on Sunday, Oct 30, 2022 | Category: Diaspora, Politics, Artsakh | Series: COG



  • What is the background of Armenia-Diaspora relations against which this conference is taking place?
  • Why did the government need this event right now, and is this the right time?
  • Who was invited, who was not? Why?

Episode 172 | Recorded: October 29, 2022



  • Monitors in Armenia
  • Russia-West Rivalry in the South Caucasus
  • Armenian-Iranian Relations
  • Maritime Agreement between Israel and Lebanon
  • State of Lebanon’s Presidential Election

Ardy Kassakhian and Adrin Nazarian: The LA City Council Scandal [EP170]

Posted on Friday, Oct 21, 2022 | Category: US Politics, Diaspora, Artsakh | Series: cog



  • On the LA City Council scandal and how to move forward
  • On Paul Krekorian, elected LA City Council president
  • On redistricting in the aftermath of the scandal
  • On the effect of the scandal on the LA mayoral race
  • On Armenia’s Situation in the South Caucasus
  • On Armenia’s Negotiations with Azerbaijan
  • On Turkish-Armenian “Normalization”

Episode 170 | Recorded: October 19 & 20, 2022

Armenian News Network - Groong Week in Review - Sep 11, 2022


  • Latest MPG and IRI Poll Results
  • What’s Up with the Armenian Economy?
  • US Armenia Relations
  • Geopolitical Developments

Index: 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:52 Guests 00:01:18 Topics 00:02:20 Greetings 00:02:24 MPG and IRI Poll Results 00:21:54 Armenian Economy Dynamics 00:37:13 US-Armenia Relations 00:48:06 Geopolitics, the War in Ukraine 00:55:14 Rants, Personal Statements 00:56:17 Good byes 00:56:27 Closing comments


  • Hrant Mikaelian - TW/@hrant_m
  • Suren Sargsyan - TW/@S_A_Sargsyan


  • Hovik Manucharyan TW/@HovikYerevan
 Read More

The Situation Around Berdzor with Hakob Hakobyan and Davit Galstyan

Իրավիճակը Բերձորի շուրջ Հակոբ Հակոբյանի և Դավիթ Գալստյանի հետ

Guests / Հյուրեր:

  • Hakob Hakobyan, co-chair of the Artsakh Justice Party. Հակոբ Հակոբյան, Արցախի Արդարություն Կուսակցության նախագահ:

  • David Galstyan(/guest/dgalstyan), leader of the Justice faction in the National Assembly of the Republic of Artsakh. Դավիթ Գալստյան, Արցախի Հանրապետության Ազգային Ժողովի պատգամավոր և «Արդարություն» խմբակցության ղեկավար։

Episode 150 | Recorded on August 7, 2022
