Category: Artsakh

2021-ի «Շուշիի Հռչակագիրը» - The 2021 “Shushi Declaration” by Azerbaijan and Turkey

A Conversation in Armenian with Mihran Hakobyan (in Armenian)


  • 2րդ Արցախեան պատերազմի հիմնական պատճառները
  • ՀՀ Դիվանագիտական/Ռազմավարական ձախողումները
  • Շուշիի համաձայնագրի հիմնական բաղադրիչները և սպառնալիքներ
  • Ռուսաստանի և Իրանի երկարաժամկետ շրջանային եւ աշխարհաքաղաքական նպատակները
  • The Fundamental Drivers of the 2nd War in Artsakh
  • The Armenian Government’s Diplomatic and Strategic Failures
  • The Key Components and Threats of the Shushi Declaration
  • The Long-term Regional and Geopolitical Goals of Russia and
 Read More

ANN/Groong Week in Review - February 13, 2022


  • 00:00:00 Introduction
  • 00:02:43 8 More POWs Released, But What At What Cost?
  • 00:20:40 Parliamentary Commission on the 44-Day War Established
  • 00:33:42 The Degrading Norms of Democracy in Armenia
  • 00:46:42 Who Needs Armenia?
  • 01:06:32 Latest MPG Poll Results in Yerevan
  • 01:18:51 Rants


  • Benyamin Poghosyan


  • Hovik Manucharyan TW/@HovikYerevan
  • Asbed Bedrossian TW/@qubriq

Episode 119 | Recorded: Sunday, February 14, 2022 Website:

ANN/Groong Week in Review - January 23, 2022


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:04 President Armen Sarkissian Resigns
  • 20:46 Russia-NATO Standoff over Ukraine
  • 47:55 Vahan Kerobyan, Minister of Comedy


  • Dr. Pietro Shakarian


  • Hovik Manucharyan
  • Asbed Bedrossian

Episode 114 | Recorded: Sunday, January 25, 2022

ANN/Groong Week in Review - December 19, 2021


  • Turkish-Armenian normalization
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Armen Grigoryan in Washington DC
  • The Armenian Project - US Tour
  • Analyst Rants


Episode 108 | Recorded: December 20, 2021

Armenia’s Diplomacy and Corridors Politics | Ep. 93 - Oct 19, 2021 [EP93]

Posted on Tuesday, Oct 19, 2021 | Category: Armenia, Artsakh, Azerbaijan | Series: COG

Armenia’s Diplomacy and Corridor Politics


  • In the past month a flurry of diplomatic activity has risen around Armenia. The top diplomats from neighboring countries, regional and global powers have met with Armenia’s top leadership to discuss the shifting geopolitics reshaping the South Caucasus politically and economically for the coming decades. How is Armenia’s diplomacy navigating the “Corridor Politics” and what are the prospects for a peaceful neighborhood?


Episode 93 | Recorded: October 18, 2021

ANN/Groong Week in Review - Dec 6, 2020


  • Turkey and Azerbaijan Connecting
  • Armenia’s Political Opposition Uniting
  • Does Putin support Pashinyan?
  • Robert Kocharyan Interview


Episode 30 | Recorded: Dec 6, 2020

ANN/Groong Week in Review - October 4, 2020


  • Stepanakert under persistent bombardment using banned cluster bombs.
  • Turkey’s role in the war.
  • Why is Russia quiet?
  • What can we expect next?


Episode 20 | Recorded: Oct 3, 2020

ANN/Groong Week in Review - 07/12/2020


  • The Constitutional Court Standoff Continues in Limbo
  • Polls, and what you should know about them
  • The Armenian Government’s response to COVID-19
  • The State of Armenian Media: Media Freedoms During Covid


Episode 1 | Recorded on July 12, 2020