Artsakh Independence | Diplomacy | Normalization With Turkey | Gorbachev | Ep 162 - Sep 4, 2022 [EP162]

Posted on Tuesday, Sep 6, 2022 | Series: WIR

Armenian News Network - Groong Week in Review - Sep 4, 2022


  • September 2: Artsakh Independence Day
    • September 2 is a public holiday commemorating the day 31 years ago when the Nagorno Karabakh Republic declared independence from the USSR. Before 2020, this would be a festive holiday. This year, there were protests in both Yerevan and Stepanakert as well as visits to the gravesites of fallen heroes.
  • Developments in Geopolitics
    • There were two major meetings this week between Armenia and Azerbaijan. On August 30, the deputy PMs met in Moscow, then on August 31, Pashinyan and Aliyev met in Brussels.
  • “Normalization” with Turkey
    • Next: we’ve read reports that the fifth meeting in the Turkish Armenian “Normalization” process will occur in September, so we’ll discuss the pros and cons of that process with Prof. Vahram Ter-Matevosyan.
  • Remembering Mikhail Gorbachev
    • As Mikhail Gorbachev passed away this past week, we’ll talk to Prof. Ara Sanjian and also Ter-Matevosyan for their recollections of the years leading up to, and following the fall of Soviet Union in 1991.


00:00:00 Start 00:00:06 Intro 00:00:57 Topics 00:02:15 September 2 & Opposition Reboot 00:05:38 Geopolitics - Moscow Meeting 00:14:39 Geopolitics - Brussels Meeting 00:20:20 Geopolitics - Reactions to the Meetings 00:31:48 Geopolitics - Cavusoglu on Syria 00:41:00 Turkish Armenian “Normalization” - Vahram Ter-Matevosyan 00:58:48 Remembering Gorbachev - Ara Sanjian 01:11:45 Remembering Gorbachev - Vahram Ter-Matevosyan 01:18:27 Personal Rants - Hovik 01:20:02 End of rants and goodbyes 01:20:13 Closing note


  • Dr. Benyamin Poghosyan - TW/@Benyamin_Poghos
  • Dr. Ara Sanjian
  • Dr. Vahram Ter-Matevosyan


  • Hovik Manucharyan TW/@HovikYerevan
  • Asbed Bedrossian TW/@qubriq

Episode 162 | Recorded: Sunday, September 4, 2022 Website:

Show Notes

Show Notes


Benyamin Poghosyan

Benyamin Poghosyan

Dr. Benyamin Poghosyan is a senior fellow at APRI Armenia, a Yerevan based think tank,and the Chairman of the Center for Political and Economic Strategic Studies. He has served as the vice president for research and head of the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense Research University in Armenia. Dr. Poghosyan was a Distinguished Research Fellow at the US National Defense University College of International Security Affairs. He is a graduate from the US State Department Study of the US Institutes for Scholars 2012 Program on US National Security Policy Making. He holds a PhD in history and is a graduate from the 2006 Tavitian Program on International Relations at Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

Ara Sanjian

Ara Sanjian

Professor Ara Sanjian is an Associate Professor of History and the Director of the Armenian Research Center at University of Michigan, Dearborn. His research interests focus on the post-World War I history of Armenia, Turkey and the Arab states of Western Asia.

Vahram Ter-Matevosyan

Vahram Ter-Matevosyan

Prof. Vahram Ter-Matevosyan is an associate Professor and Chair of the Political Science and International Affairs Program at AUA. His research interests focus on Turkish politics, Kemalism, Political Islam & Security in the South Caucasus

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