Tehran 2022 | Normalization | EU-Azerbaijan Gas Deal | Personae Non Grata | Ep #149 - July 31, 2022 [EP149]

Posted on Tuesday, Aug 2, 2022 | Series: WIR

ANN/Groong Week in Review - July 31, 2022


  • Tehran 2022 Trilateral Summit
  • “Normalization” or Pax Turkiana?
  • EU - Azerbaijan gas deal
  • Diaspora Personae Non-Grata


  • Yeghia Tashjian - TW/@yeghig


  • Asbed Bedrossian TW/@qubriq

Episode 149 | Recorded: Monday, July 31, 2022 Website: https://groong.org/podcasts/WiR-20220731.html

Show Notes

Show Notes


Yeghia Tashjian

Yeghia Tashjian

Yeghia Tashjian is an regional analyst and researcher based in Beirut, with expertise in China’s geopolitical and energy security interests in Iran and the Persian Gulf. Currently he is an instructor in International Affairs at the American University of Science and Technology and International Affairs Cluster Coordinator at the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut.

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